Marriage Counselling & Couples Therapy Gold Coast

Marriage is a journey beyond mere words. And it is rarely without its share of challenges. 

At Attached Psychology, we can help you navigate these challenges and rekindle the love and connection that brought you together.

Marriage Psychologist at your service

Our marriage psychologist, Dr Sia, specialises in helping couples resolve conflicts, strengthen bonds, and build thriving relationships. 

Under Dr Sia’s guidance, you are able to follow a journey of growth and healing to help reignite the spark that makes your relationship unique.

Our Couples Therapy approach

At Attached Psychology, our Couples Therapy is based on the principles of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP). 

This approach is highly effective in addressing the deep emotional issues that may be causing conflicts within your relationship.

How Couples Therapy Can Help

Effective Communication

Express your feelings, needs, and concerns openly and constructively.

Conflict Resolution

Learn healthy ways to resolve conflicts and disagreements.

Reignite Intimacy

Reconnect on a deeper level and reignite the passion in your relationship.

Healing and Growth

Address past wounds and traumas that may be affecting your relationship.

Strengthen Bonds

Build a stronger, more resilient connection with your partner.

Is Couples Therapy right for you?

Are you experiencing a sense of distance in your relationship, conflicts, or communication issues? 

Couples Therapy provides tools and insights that can help you move forward together. 

It's a proactive way to create a happier, healthier partnership.

Ready to Reconnect?

Don't waste this opportunity to take your relationship to a happier place. 

If you're wanting to take the first step towards a more fulfilling and harmonious partnership, schedule a Couples Therapy consultation with Dr Sia.

contact us today.


Couples & Marriage Therapy

What is Couples & Marriage Therapy?

Couples and Marriage Therapy is also known as couples therapy or marriage counselling. This is psychotherapy focused on helping couples address conflicts, enhance communication, and strengthen their emotional bonds.

When should we consider Couples Therapy?

Couples Therapy can be beneficial when you and your partner are experiencing communication problems, frequent conflicts, emotional distance, trust issues, or a decline in intimacy. Pre-marital counselling can also be helpful in building a strong foundation for marriage.

What happens during a Couples Therapy session?

During a therapy session, you and your partner would work with a qualified therapist who would facilitate discussion, guide you through exercises, and provide insights to help you better understand and address your relationship challenges. At Attached Psychology, your therapist would be Dr Sia.

How long does Couples Therapy take?

Couples Therapy will vary in duration depending on the issues you're facing and your specific goals. Short-term therapy will benefit some couples, while others may need longer-term counselling. Dr Sia will discuss with you the recommended duration.

Is Couples Therapy effective?

Yes, Couples Therapy is highly effective. Research shows that, for many couples, this therapy leads to improved communication, conflict resolution, and relationship satisfaction. However, success depends on the commitment of both partners to the process.

Do we have to be married to seek Couples Therapy?

No. You don't need to be married. Couples Therapy is all about enhancing the quality of your connection in your relationship, whether you're dating, engaged, or cohabiting.

Is everything discussed in therapy confidential?

Yes, your therapy sessions are confidential. Dr Sia follows strict ethical guidelines to protect your privacy. However, in cases of harm to self or others, there are legal exceptions to confidentiality.

Can one partner attend therapy alone?

Yes, this is an option when one partner is not ready or willing to participate in couples therapy. And it can still be beneficial for personal growth and improving relationship dynamics.

How much does Couples Therapy cost?

The cost of Couples Therapy varies according to the concerns that are unique to each relationship. When Dr Sia discusses the fees during your initial consultation, you will have complete transparency. 

How can we get started with Couples Therapy?

Simply contact us and schedule an initial consultation to start couples therapy with Dr Sia. This first meeting is an opportunity to discuss your goals and concerns, as well as the therapy process.

We provide services to Medicare, Private Health, NDIS, WorkCover, DVA, & Victims Assist Clients.